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Mathspace is a global technology leader in personalised maths education.

What makes Mathspace so unique is that it can tailor maths programs in real-time based on a student’s strengths and weaknesses. We are the only maths platform using step-by-step adaptive learning technology. As a student works on Mathspace, the questions and topics adjust to their level and pace.

For a student Mathspace feels just like a personal tutor. You get coached through every line of working. You can get hints and lessons as you work through each question. That’s why we avoid multiple choice questions all together - because we know that you can’t understand the answer without understanding the process.

For teachers, Mathspace has become the single most important maths education tool on the market. With a number of national curricula from many different countries, teachers have access to up-to-date digital course materials that dynamically adapt to each student’s unique needs.