Product Designer

  • Design
  • Full Time
  • South Africa

Posted Jan 25


We are looking for an experienced Product Designer to join our team. You will be working alongside a cross functional team of UX/UI designers on projects for global clients, assisting the larger scale product design projects, social media campaigns and website UI design.

You are knowledgeable in user-centered design, like solving problems and getting deep into the details. You get under the skin of real user needs and balance them with business requirements to create well rounded solutions. You have a creative mind and are not scared to think outside the box to make your ideas stand out, but you combine that with an eye for detail and precision pixels.



  • Actively participating in brainstorms with colleagues and clients
  • Can-do attitude to answering briefs and can articulate ideas succinctly
  • Thinks about target audiences and users rather than what would be cool or just look nice


  • Actively participating and helping to facilitate workshop activities with users and stakeholders
  • Contributes to planning workshop tasks and agenda, understands the different types of workshop activities and when it is right to use certain methodologies.
  • Confident presenting in front of groups of people and draws out the right kind of feedback from the participants


  • Understands the benefit of primary and secondary research with a desire to ground ideas in real insights
  • Conducting interviews with users and stakeholders, both remotely and face to face, to gather requirements and deepen understanding


  • Works collaboratively around a whiteboard with colleagues and is confident sketching solutions to solve design problems
  • Understands the right time to choose a low fidelity sketch over a hi fidelity wireframe to demonstrate a solution.


  • Good knowledge of Figma and Adobe XD and works quickly to bring screens to life
  • Creates pixel perfect wireframes but knows there is also a time and a place for low fidelity wireframes when visualising an idea.
  • Attention to detail with fonts, styling, hierarchy and spacing so that we have a fair representation of what the final solution is going to look like before we get to visual design


  • Good knowledge of Figma and creating functional prototypes to bring journeys to life
  • Validating/User Testing
  • Has an innate desire to validate solutions with real users
  • Understands when to carry out quick guerilla testing and when to conduct carefully executed usability tests
  • Conducting tests both remotely and face to face, whether note taking alongside team members or leading facilitation
  • Understands not to lead the user and is impartial when in testing situations


  • Can take user and stakeholder feedback and roll in back into the design process
  • Understands when to finesse and tweak existing solutions and when the feedback requires more of a drastic shift that could involve a different UX activity
  • Understands when we have received feedback from the right amount of people to validate a specific idea and when we still need to gather more

Interaction Design

  • Interested in the detailed interactions and really passionate about how products feel in people’s hands
  • Good knowledge of Figma to build out interactions and test their feasibility

High Fidelity Design

  • Solid proficiency in Figma and Photoshop with the ability to deliver polished and beautiful UI
  • Can apply existing design system to wireframes with an eye for detail
  • Can take wireframes through to high fidelity designs with no existing design system in place, deciding on key decisions such as colours, fonts, padding and styling
  • Thinks about design in a logical and modular fashion to create atomic components that maximise efficiency
  • Works quickly with the confidence to cut out design routes that are not valid

Client interaction

  • Confident presenting to clients and articulates their design thinking in a succinct manner
  • Can explain the reasoning behind using different UX methodologies to clients
  • Can push back on client feedback when necessary and can argue relevance of design decisions
  • Understanding when to accept client direction pragmatically and deliver against their needs

Social Media

  • Knowledge of social media formats in terms of functionality and how to design for them
  • Assist in coming up with ideas for content and creating branded assets for campaigns
  • Creating social media posts and adhering to platform specific guidelines


  • A great communicator, able to talk about design solutions passionately and articulate thinking succinctly
  • A team player, working collaboratively with users, stakeholders and other team members to solve design problems
  • A self-starter, able to work through the design process from research and inception through to high fidelity design and implementation with developers
  • Solutions focused, a problem solver and creative thinker with a desire to dive deep into understanding user needs and balance them with where we can deliver real business value to the client
  • Attention to detail, with a clear focus on high quality and tempered with a healthy balance of business profit.
  • Outgoing and friendly, a sociable person that communicates well with everyone in the company