Software Engineer: Web (React)
Software Engineer: Web (React), Node.js, iOS, Android
MassLight is a hybrid software development/investment firm that provides teams of engineers to startups for an equity stake.
We are hiring a team-focused software engineer. If your primary interest is as a head-down coder, this position probably isn’t the best fit. Our engineers collaborate with teammates, engage with users, and think like business owners,.
Every year we help multiple high-growth businesses go from idea to scale. You’ll learn how to successfully nurture and grow a startup more rapidly than anywhere else. You’ll help us pick the best startups from our deal pipeline and over time you’ll hold equity positions in our broadening portfolio.
Our startup founders are primarily non-technical. They often come from underrepresented backgrounds and aren’t typical Silicon Valley tech startups. You’ll come to understand the value of the services we provide to non-technical founders, and why working collaboratively is so critical to their success.
Specifically, you’ll work as part of our team developing very high profile, high growth public facing, web and mobile applications.
We are open to both junior and senior candidates, and value your mind, work ethic and integrity before specific skills, but ideally would like some of the following:
- Endpoint/service development experience with solid understanding of good software engineering design principles
- Solid knowledge of Node.js
- Functional reactive programming
- Experience with AWS Lambda and API Gateway
- Experience with Serverless Framework or serverless architectures in general
- Native iOS (Swift) development or native Android (Kotlin)
- Web based front end frameworks (react/angular)